Baney chakraborty


Concept of Structured Diagram , Structured Chart

Concept of Structured Diagram

Organized chart is the outline which gives the modularization procedure of the programming issues into littler subproblems. Each subproblems can be separated into a few subproblems. So the outline resembles a tree of which head is the principle issue and subtrees are subproblems. In reality all the organized outlines which bolster modularization underpins the tree structure. We will talk about two of them in the lesson.

 Structured Chart

This is just about a tree with a tree root at the best. The entire issue is broken into littler modules. This outline not just demonstrates the way how they are broken yet in addition the way how the program is controlled by parameter going amongst higher and bring down level modules. There are a few guidelines to express all these. Presently we will demonstrate the organized outline of result handling in fig 7.1 and after that talk about specific tenets of organized diagram.

Result preparing is improved the situation each understudy so the each activity will repeat a few times. The bearing is meant by coordinated bolts. The rectangular box signifies modules. The precious stone with submodule means the contingent branch to another submodule.

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