Baney chakraborty


Principles of Programming

3. Different Types of Language Low level languages In old days computers were very large and were not much reliable. Programming was done by switches and there was no facility to use the program. This approach of computer programming was completely a hardware technology. Next the approach of machine language comes up. In this approach instruction set of the computer consists of some numerical digits. This instruction set is used to build up a program. This code is difficult to understand for human beings. Next assembly language was introduced. In assembly language the numerical codes are replaced by suitable names which are understandable. This has made programming easier. 4. High level languages This type of languages are like English language. But this is more structured. Actually this type of languages support mathematical notations used in arithmetic expressions. There are some special rules for writing programs in high level languages. Pascal, C, C++, Mathematica, Java, Math lab etc. Ada are all high level languages. High level languages are easy to write, compile and suitable for error correction.

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