Baney chakraborty


Writing or Expressing Algorithm

8. Writing or Expressing Algorithm Pseudocode or structured English is suitable for expressing an algorithm. Here, unlike natural languages, each statement has an unambiguous meaning. Generally algorithm is expressed in any high level language 8.1 Analysis of Algorithm Whenever you design an algorithm you must analyse it. You have to determine the cost of algorithm. If the cost is less than the exisiting algorithm, this algorithm will be implementable. Generally the cost of multiplication, addition and data transfer is calculated. If the cost of a new algorithm is of lower order than previous one then we are assured that the algorithm will give better results. Let us begin to implement the algorithm in a program. Example: There are three numbers. You have to find their median. Write the algorithm in structured English. Consider a, b, c are numbers. if b  a  c then median  a else if a  b  c then median  b else median  c endif.

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