Baney chakraborty


Some Symbols of Flow Chart

 Some Symbols of Flow Chart
Normally, we begin from step 0 and go to the next statement and finished
at the space end unless directed to do otherwise by a GO TO instruction
as in steps 3, 6, 9, 11 and 12 in the present example. Notice that this
algorithm, like the previous one, contains an IF statement. IF statements
permit jumping around and skipping some instructions. GO TO and IF
statements cause a program to branch- that is, to make an out-ofsequence
jump from one statement to another.

It is difficult to follow the branches; so in order to make the logic of the
algorithm clearer; it is useful to represent the algorithm as a flowchart
since visual representations are more effective for us. Before converting
the algorithm for getting to college, let us introduce the symbols that are
used to represent different actions in a flowchart. The symbols of the
flowcharts are standard.

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